On Ako afternoon we shared
what we have been learning about in
Room 6 during term 2. We explained
it to other classrooms at Tamaki Primary
School. Ako afternoon is about sharing the
work you have been doing, with others.
Classrooms shared literacy, inquiry, reading,
writing and maths. Room 6 shared lots of
things. We shared the puppets we made for
retelling stories. We shared our inquiry
posters on New Zealand History.
We also shared a mural that we did for art,
to retell Maui’s legends. My favourite part
about Ako Afternoon was getting tokens
from the other classrooms for all our
good work.
what we have been learning about in
Room 6 during term 2. We explained
it to other classrooms at Tamaki Primary
School. Ako afternoon is about sharing the
work you have been doing, with others.
Classrooms shared literacy, inquiry, reading,
writing and maths. Room 6 shared lots of
things. We shared the puppets we made for
retelling stories. We shared our inquiry
posters on New Zealand History.
We also shared a mural that we did for art,
to retell Maui’s legends. My favourite part
about Ako Afternoon was getting tokens
from the other classrooms for all our
good work.